Yahoo is an email service used by millions of people all over the world. You know that at one point in time you feel the need to change your Yahoo password or sometimes you forgot your password and feel the need to reset it. But you do not know the process of how to change your yahoo password. So, here we are with a new guide to help you out. First, we will learn how to change the password to yahoo mail and later on how to reset the password.
How to Change the Yahoo Password?
Follow the below steps carefully: -
Navigate to your profile page
Navigate to Settings and select Manage Accounts
Go to the Account info option
Now, Security settings
Click on the Change password section
Type your new password and click on 'Save'
Now, you can log in to your Yahoo mail account with your new password
The steps are very easy to follow but to some readers, it may be difficult if they do not read it properly and follow the steps in rush.
How to Reset Your Password?
Follow the below steps to change your Yahoo password: -
Navigate to change password using your browser
Select "sign in" and fill in asked information and then press Next
Tap on Forgot password
A link will be sent to you
Use that link to reset your password
Only through that link, you have the option to reset your password
Winding Up
These are the only two ways from which you can change and reset your Yahoo password. If you follow the steps one by one after reading them carefully then you will change or reset your password within a few minutes otherwise you will face some unnecessary difficulties. I hope you understand, stay tuned and Goodbye.